Interview #10 - Morgann Gilbert
via email - November 26th
What would you say is you greatest strength? Im very stubborn, but it's a strength and a weakness.
What are you passionate about? Racing
What do you admire most in your friends? Their ability to humble me.
If you were to set a world record, what would it be for? Being the fastest female drag racer!!
What is something you have always wanted to do but continue to put it off? Volunteer at the cancer treatment center. I always tell myself I'm going to do it 'this year' but I never follow through..
Who are some of your favorite musicians right now? Always George Strait or Jason Aldean
What is your signature drink at Starbucks? Skinny iced vanilla late
What does the word "adventure" mean to you? I'm instantly reminded of summer 2008 with my best friends. Every day was an adventure for us. We learned a lot about each other and even more about ourselves.
What is something you are out to accomplish in 2011? Teachers certification program!
What is the last book you read? Redeeming Love
What is your signature sent? Don't laugh... But With Love by Hillary Duff
What is the name of your alter ego? I don't have one lol
What is your favorite book of the Bible & why? Psalm. It's the book that always made sense to me somehow. I really connected when I read it, and God lead my family to read Psalm 91 during some rough times.
Who is your style icon? My little sister
What are some qualities that you most admire in a man? There is nothing more attractive than an honest, ambitious, hard working man of God.
What is your favorite thing to bake during the holidays? Pumpkin bread or peppermint candy :)
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