Interview #11 - Anna Siebring
via email - December 7th
What is your signature drink at starbucks? Vanilla Bean Frap
What is the name of your favorite nail polish? I don't have a preference
If you were to take a year off & write a novel, what would it be about? Small town farm girl learning about life and love outside of her hometown
What is your favorite book of the bible & why? Psalms. Because how it always seems to have the the one thing I need to hear to press on.
What is something that is on your bucket list? Horseback riding on a warm sandy beach (under a full moon)
Where do you see yourself in 8 years? In eight years I see myself with all my student loans paid off. Married to the love of my life. Gone to India for one of my best friend's wedding. Gone to Kenya on a safari with my best college friends. Definitely working on my Masters if not already completed. Hopefully living in Hawaii or Japan depending on where Jason gets stationed after flight school in Florida. (MAYBE a little one on the way as long as I've done the first four on this list
If you lived abroad for a year, where do you think you would live? I've already studied abroad in England which was awesome (considering I don't know another language). If Jason was with me, I'd love to live in Israel and hopefully learn some Hebrew and Arabic.
If you were to write a letter to yourself & send it to yourself in 5th grade, what would you tell yourself? I'd tell myself to keep working hard in school because it will be worth it. I'd also tell myself to work hard and somehow get Mom and Dad to let me have a horse sooner than 16. I'd also tell myself to NEVER cut my hair past my shoulders! Last, I'd tell myself to never stop praying because miracles do happen.
What is your favorite time of year & why? My favorite time of year is Christmas because of family, friends, decorating, snow, Christmas trees and candles, and giving.
What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is my work ethic.
What is one of your favorite quotes? The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God cannot protect you.
If you could have access to any celebrity's closet, whose would you choose? I'm not sure.
If you could be someone from the past for one week, who would you choose to be & why? I don't think I'd want to be someone from the past; but, I would love to talk to someone and find about their life. I'd have to say one of the amazing women who lived and worked here on the home front during World War II and had a husband/fiance oversees during that time. I'd want to find out what they did and how they lived their life with the worrying and such during a time when there was no computers/cell phones/FedEx.
What is something you are out to accomplish in the year 2011? In the year 2011 I wanted to graduate college, get proposed to, find a job/apartment in Annapolis and begin planning my wedding.
From as far back as you can remember, what are all the things that you wanted to be when you "grew up"? I wanted to be a horse trainer or a vet.
What are you passionate about? Faith, Love, Family, Friends, Travel, Learning and Living.
What goals have you already accomplished in life? College, living on my own, getting out of Illinois and doing something with my life, going to Israel, studying abroad, owning a horse (even though I don't right now) and falling in love with a Marine. Working on that wedding at the moment.
If your life was made into a movie, who would you choose to play you? Myself?
What is the name of your favorite nail polish? I don't have a preference
If you were to take a year off & write a novel, what would it be about? Small town farm girl learning about life and love outside of her hometown
What is your favorite book of the bible & why? Psalms. Because how it always seems to have the the one thing I need to hear to press on.
What is something that is on your bucket list? Horseback riding on a warm sandy beach (under a full moon)
Where do you see yourself in 8 years? In eight years I see myself with all my student loans paid off. Married to the love of my life. Gone to India for one of my best friend's wedding. Gone to Kenya on a safari with my best college friends. Definitely working on my Masters if not already completed. Hopefully living in Hawaii or Japan depending on where Jason gets stationed after flight school in Florida. (MAYBE a little one on the way as long as I've done the first four on this list
If you lived abroad for a year, where do you think you would live? I've already studied abroad in England which was awesome (considering I don't know another language). If Jason was with me, I'd love to live in Israel and hopefully learn some Hebrew and Arabic.
If you were to write a letter to yourself & send it to yourself in 5th grade, what would you tell yourself? I'd tell myself to keep working hard in school because it will be worth it. I'd also tell myself to work hard and somehow get Mom and Dad to let me have a horse sooner than 16. I'd also tell myself to NEVER cut my hair past my shoulders! Last, I'd tell myself to never stop praying because miracles do happen.
What is your favorite time of year & why? My favorite time of year is Christmas because of family, friends, decorating, snow, Christmas trees and candles, and giving.
What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is my work ethic.
What is one of your favorite quotes? The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God cannot protect you.
If you could have access to any celebrity's closet, whose would you choose? I'm not sure.
If you could be someone from the past for one week, who would you choose to be & why? I don't think I'd want to be someone from the past; but, I would love to talk to someone and find about their life. I'd have to say one of the amazing women who lived and worked here on the home front during World War II and had a husband/fiance oversees during that time. I'd want to find out what they did and how they lived their life with the worrying and such during a time when there was no computers/cell phones/FedEx.
What is something you are out to accomplish in the year 2011? In the year 2011 I wanted to graduate college, get proposed to, find a job/apartment in Annapolis and begin planning my wedding.
From as far back as you can remember, what are all the things that you wanted to be when you "grew up"? I wanted to be a horse trainer or a vet.
What are you passionate about? Faith, Love, Family, Friends, Travel, Learning and Living.
What goals have you already accomplished in life? College, living on my own, getting out of Illinois and doing something with my life, going to Israel, studying abroad, owning a horse (even though I don't right now) and falling in love with a Marine. Working on that wedding at the moment.
If your life was made into a movie, who would you choose to play you? Myself?
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