Interview #12 - Sedef Sahinalp
via email - December 8th
What female icon inspires your style? Any J-crew model. They are always on point. Rachel Zoe would be inspiring if I lived in New York. Tulsa isn’t ready for that.
What is something you are out to accomplish in 2011? I want to graduate a semester early, Dec 2011. And visit London!
Who are some of your favorite musicians? Variety from Keith Urban to Michael Buble to John Mayer and of course, Taylor Swift.
What are you passionate about? A lot. To condense it: Loving God and loving people.
What is something most people don't know about you? I watch an episode of friends (or 2) pretty much every night before bed.
If you could have access to 1 celebrity's closet, who's closet would you choose? Easy, the cast of Gossip Girls closet (Toss up between Blake Lively and Leighton Meester’s closet)
What is your favorite time period of art / artist / paintings? Oh, now? Modern art. My parents have a few pieces in our house that I have grown to really like.
If you could live in any country, which country would you choose? Hardest question! Yesterday was Greece. Today, France. Tomorrow, London.
What is your signature sent? Currently I love the new Coach line, Poppey
If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? I’m a psychology major, I love fashion and shopping, so something between the mind and possibly why we wear what we do.
What TV show do you find yourself devouring? What show do I not? Seriously. Glee, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, (I’ll stop there- just know, the list goes on)
What online stores do you like to shop at? J-crew, they give special promos on their online stores.
Where was the last place you went on vacation? Family vacation to Hawaii. It was my second time to, and I can’t wait to go back!
What goals have you already accomplished in your life? Got in to college? Check!
How would you describe your style? Classy, fun.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully married with a child or two, and counseling families. And I better be out traveling.
What is you favorite book of the bible & why? James. James is relatable and relative to life for youth. I really like the book of Romans- favoring chapter 12.
What is the name of your favorite nail polish? Currently obsessed with OPI’s Burlesque series- I am wearing Gift of Gold
What is the last book you read? I just finished the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell and LOVED it! It’s about decision-making.
What does the word "adventure" mean to you? It’s easy to say traveling and adventure go hand in hand but it’s much more than that. I think adventure is doing something you wouldn’t normally do- and loving it. Adventures should please the soul.
Check out her blog! run through sprinklers
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