Monday, September 6, 2010

What I Want
I want to sleep in every day, but not miss the soft light and calm of the morning. I want to capture every moment in a photo. I want life to be black and white. I want life to have a constant soundtrack playing in the background, one that matches my mood perfectly. I want to make a hot breakfast every morning. I want snow to cover the ground completely every winter. I want the days to always last as long as they do in the summer. I want to always be able to drive with the windows down.

I want to inspire someone. I want to be able to hold onto moments of pure joy for longer than they last. I want every kiss to feel like a first kiss. I want to be optimistic. I want everyone to just be themselves. I want to be the truest version of myself. I want to fly in my dreams every night. I want an adventure. I want to live life without looking at a clock. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to feel perfect despite my imperfections. I want to be able to live in the moment.

I want to not worry about my weight. I want to enjoy nature. I want to be far, far away from the city and the noise. I want to have a garden full of flowers. I want to sing without fear. I want to do something that matters. I want to be someone who matters. I want people to know me and like me. I want to stop caring so much about what people think. I want things to be simple. I want to feel safe.

I want to make people laugh. I want to learn how to laugh more at myself. I want to always remember my husband's smile, the one from the time we first fell in love. I want to remember what it feels like to fall in love. I want to feel healthy. I want to always have fresh flowers on the table. I want to drink wine whenever the mood strikes. I want to have the option of never having to work again. I want to be a child. I want to feel carefree and careless. I want to spend an entire day laying on the beach watching the sky. I want to see the world from another view. I want to live simply. I want to live extravagantly. I want to experience hundreds of new things and remember them all in perfect detail.

I want to travel. I want to create. I want to grow old without feeling old. I want to be able to appreciate exactly where I am at each stage of life. I want to be on stage. I want to shine. I want to celebrate things more often. I want to always find a reason to smile.

{ I completely agree with this}

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