Friday, December 31, 2010

Interview #11 - Anna Siebring
via email - December 7th

What is your signature drink at starbucks? Vanilla Bean Frap
What is the name of your favorite nail polish? I don't have a preference
If you were to take a year off & write a novel, what would it be about? Small town farm girl learning about life and love outside of her hometown
What is your favorite book of the bible & why? Psalms. Because how it always seems to have the the one thing I need to hear to press on. 
What is something that is on your bucket list? Horseback riding on a warm sandy beach (under a full moon)
Where do you see yourself in 8 years? In eight years I see myself with all my student loans paid off. Married to the love of my life. Gone to India for one of my best friend's wedding. Gone to Kenya on a safari with my best college friends. Definitely working on my Masters if not already completed. Hopefully living in Hawaii or Japan depending on where Jason gets stationed after flight school in Florida. (MAYBE a little one on the way as long as I've done the first four on this list
If you lived abroad for a year, where do you think you would live? I've already studied abroad in England which was awesome (considering I don't know another language). If Jason was with me, I'd love to live in Israel and hopefully learn some Hebrew and Arabic.
If you were to write a letter to yourself & send it to yourself in 5th grade, what would you tell yourself? I'd tell myself to keep working hard in school because it will be worth it. I'd also tell myself to work hard and somehow get Mom and Dad to let me have a horse sooner than 16. I'd also tell myself to NEVER cut my hair past my shoulders! Last, I'd tell myself to never stop praying because miracles do happen. 
What is your favorite time of year & why? My favorite time of year is Christmas because of family, friends, decorating, snow, Christmas trees and candles, and giving.
What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is my work ethic. 
What is one of your favorite quotes? The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God cannot protect you.
If you could have access to any celebrity's closet, whose would you choose? I'm not sure.
If you could be someone from the past for one week, who would you choose to be & why? I don't think I'd want to be someone from the past; but, I would love to talk to someone and find about their life. I'd have to say one of the amazing women who lived and worked here on the home front during World War II and had a husband/fiance oversees during that time. I'd want to find out what they did and how they lived their life with the worrying and such during a time when there was no computers/cell phones/FedEx. 
What is something you are out to accomplish in the year 2011? In the year 2011 I wanted to graduate college, get proposed to, find a job/apartment in Annapolis and begin planning my wedding.
From as far back as you can remember, what are all the things that you wanted to be when you "grew up"? I wanted to be a horse trainer or a vet. 
What are you passionate about? Faith, Love, Family, Friends, Travel, Learning and Living.
What goals have you already accomplished in life? College, living on my own, getting out of Illinois and doing something with my life, going to Israel, studying abroad, owning a horse (even though I don't right now) and falling in love with a Marine. Working on that wedding at the moment. 
If your life was made into a movie, who would you choose to play you? 
What I love to do
The hardest thing to do is to leave your comfort zone but you have to let go of the life your familiar with and take the risk to live the life you dream about. - T. Airgo
I went walking around with my grandfather on Christmas day, this was shot with him standing next to me.
I want a home like this in the English countryside.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm so excited to see this movie!!

1. Experience the Kentucky Derby. I want to drop a couple bucks on a great dress & wear a fabulous hat, and maybe bet on a horse or two. 
2. Spend a weekend at the Grand Canyon. I want to hike / camp in the canyon and spend a day whitewater rafting and kayaking in the Colorado River.
3. Run a marathon
4. Hike to the top of a mountain and actually stand on the top of it. I attempted once when I was 13 when I was at summer camp in the Rockies but due to ice we couldn't continue to the top.
5. Ride a motorcycle across Australia.
6. Attend the Sundance Film Festival.
7. I want to experience New Years Eve in Times Square.

I know that I only have 7 things on my list so far but I plan on adding over time so I hope you enjoy the first few.

Monday, December 27, 2010


1 3/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup water plus 3 tablespoons
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 1/2 cup bread flour
1 teaspoon instant yeast
1 teaspoon gluten
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 egg beaten

Water bath:
8 cups water
2 teaspoons baking soda

2/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons melted butter

Mix whole wheat flour and water and let sit for 20 minutes to soften the gluten. Add remaining ingredients except the egg. Knead dough for about 6 minutes until elastic (I do it by hand). Cover and let sit for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours until double in size.

Divide dough into 8 equal pieces and roll each piece into a rope. (You can divide into 6 pieces if you like them bigger). Form each into a pretzel shape (form a U-shape, then holding the ends of the rope, cross them over each other and press firmly onto the bottom of the pretzel). Place on a baking sheet previously lined with parchment paper. (For this process you may have to flour your work surface although I didn't have to. If you do try to use as less flour as possible)

To make the water bath, boil the water, add the baking soda and add, two pretzels at a time. Boil for about 1 minute until they expand dramatically. When you are done doing this brush them with the beaten egg. (You can sprinkle with seeds or kosher salt. I didn't do this because I used the cinnamon glaze)

Bake on a 450F preheated oven for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool for 5 minutes.

Mix sugar and cinnamon. Brush each pretzel with melted butter and dip into the sugar mixture.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Interview #9 - Bailie Kennedy
via email - November 29th

What are some pieces in your closet that you'll wear forever? I would like to think that all of my clothes will be in style forever! Who knows! Hopefully my bazillion pairs of shoes…my fur coats (faux of course) my liquid tights (peace, love and liquid tights)…my dress I bought in Paris…
 What accessories do you obsesses over? Amazing headpieces, rings, fun gaudy bangles, my Prada sunnies, my MK watch (thanks, Zach!), anything sparkly and vintagey and GOLD! A good accessory can really turn a so-so outfit into a total WOW! Although I am the queen of bling…one statement piece is sometimes all you need with an outfit. It really depends on the outfit if “less is more” or if “more is fabulous!”
 What female icon inspires your style? I don’t know if anyone particularly inspires my style…I am always inspired by so many things! Just walking into Anthro inspires me…
 What patterns do you always find yourself mixing? What do I not find myself mixing!!  To me, not matching is cute and matchy matchy drives my eyeballs insane! So, I mix and match as I please J
 What is your favorite quote? Let’s go with a couple of my favs:“Good clothes open all doors”  - Thomas Fuller, which in my opinion can coincide with a fav verse of mine…Colossians 3:12-14(message) So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.” So, while wearing love, your all-purpose garment, all doors will be opened for you!
 What are you top 5 favorite colors of nail polish? Top 5! Ahhh! I will feel like I am hurting all of my OPI’s feelings if I only pick 5! I’m going to name the top 5 I have used recently… 1. Russian Navy (if you don’t have it, GET it! It is a must have navy that goes with everything!) 2. Cuck-oo For This Color (divine emerald green that will make your heart melt) 3. Bring on the Bling (to-die-for mix of gold and multi-colored sparkles from the new Burlesque line…seriously designed with Bailie Paige Kennedy in mind.) 4. Rising Star (another one from the Burlesque line…think a shimmery burnt gold…looks Ah-MAZ-ing  under Bring on the Bling) 5. Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous (Ok, this shimmery silver is ultra fab, and it spoke to my heart because it reminded me of my little trip to Lucerne 2 years ago!)
 If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? Oh my gosh, what wouldn’t I want to write about! I have started writing so many books, only to realize that I hate writing so much dialogue! I will have books out in the future…some have been in the works for years and years…I can’t reveal the details just yet…but I’ll sign your copy when I go on tour J
 What TV show do you find yourself devouring? Come take a glimpse through my packed DVR! (xoxo)Gossip Girl, Real Housewives, The Office, Glee …and so many more! When Project Runway and Rachel Zoe are in season I am faithfully theirs…the list goes on and on and on!
 What online stores do you like to shop at? There was a period in my life where I was obsessed with online shopping! I was the ebay QUEEN! All my gold jewels come from my lovely ebay days. Nowadays I really just stick to buying things in stores…unless I find something that I am absolutely obsessed with, and find it online for cheap! I do love to buy my books for cents at!
 What is your favorite workout routine? Treadmill or elliptical in the cardio cinema room watching a really good movie or listening to some good tunes. Otherwise, I’m BORED! 
 Who are some of your favorite designers right now? Michael Kors, Marc Jacobs, Betsey Johnson (who doesn’t want to own a wacky tutu?) McQueen, Chanel…as RZ would say…I DIE!
 Iphone or Blackberry? As of this moment, Blackberry. It is SO Rachel Zoe to be on my Blackberry 24/7. But, come December…Iphone all the way!
 If you could have access to 1 celebrity's closet, whose closet would you choose? Too hard to pick! I would want to mix and match from so many people’s closets! How about I have access to their checkbooks instead?
 What is your favorite time period of art / artist / paintings? Funny thing…I love all things artsy and such, BUT I don’t really have a favorite art period. Love Degas…I want to be in those dance classes with the frilly ballerinas!
 How would you describe your style? Bailie Paige Kennedy. (I tried to describe it so many times, but couldn’t fully get the perfect description. I like to take risks, but not in a Bjork kind of way. I also like to wear comfy clothes mixed with a huge necklace or ring…or fur coat...)
 If you could live in any country, which country would you choose? I absolutely love love love European countries like France, England, Italy, Spain, Greece (my homeland)..but I love the good ol’ USA! If not the U.S., I would live in either England (London, obvs) or France (Paris, jeTres fantastique!
 What is your signature scent? Versace Bright Crystal has been a fabulous sidekick for the past few years. Not too strong, just right!
When you are grateful fear
disappears and abundance appears.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

more than true.

1 - 2 lb potatoes, cubed
1 tablespoon rosemary
1 tablespoon oregano
4-5 tablespoons olive oil
Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 375F.
Mix all ingredients together and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

TIP: Alternatively you can use this recipe and use as an appetizer, just serve the potatoes with hot sauce, or place some mozzarella cheese over potatoes the last 2-minutes of cooking time. With an alioli sauce it also goes superb

We don't remember days, we remember moments. 
girlie time!
this is my favorite.
lovely wreath.
I love these wreaths from your wishcake
Interview #10 - Morgann Gilbert
via email - November 26th

What would you say is you greatest strength? Im very stubborn, but it's a strength and a weakness. 
What are you passionate about? Racing 
What do you admire most in your friends? Their ability to humble me. 
If you were to set a world record, what would it be for? Being the fastest female drag racer!! 
What is something you have always wanted to do but continue to put it off? Volunteer at the cancer treatment center. I always tell myself I'm going to do it 'this year' but I never follow through..
Who are some of your favorite musicians right now? Always George Strait or Jason Aldean 
What is your signature drink at Starbucks? Skinny iced vanilla late 
What does the word "adventure" mean to you?  I'm instantly reminded of summer 2008 with my best friends. Every day was an adventure for us. We learned a lot about each other and even more about ourselves. 
What is something you are out to accomplish in 2011? Teachers certification program! 
What is the last book you read? Redeeming Love 
What is your signature sent? Don't laugh... But With Love by Hillary Duff 
What is the name of your alter ego? I don't have one lol 
What is your favorite book of the Bible & why? Psalm. It's the book that always made sense to me somehow. I really connected when I read it, and God lead my family to read Psalm 91 during some rough times. 
Who is your style icon? My little sister 
What are some qualities that you most admire in a man? There is nothing more attractive than an honest, ambitious, hard working man of God.  
What is your favorite thing to bake during the holidays? Pumpkin bread or peppermint candy :) 

The Christmas Story

Friday, December 17, 2010

Love Weighs More than Gold.
- Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon

Friday, December 10, 2010

Interview #8 - Sarah Fowler
via email - November 12th

If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Hmm, I don't know, maybe one that sounds more adult, I feel like Sarah sounds like a little girls name!
What is something you are out to accomplish in 2011? Hopefully, start nursing school next fall!!
What would you say is your greatest strength? Wow, tough question. But I would say I am pretty laid back or a good listener.
What are you wanting for Christmas this year? I always like getting clothes, but I haven't asked for anything.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Married, maybe with a kid or two, in a cute house and a good job! (but isn't this everyone's dream someday!)
If you could live abroad for 1 year, where would you like to live? Europe, I have never been before and have always wanted to go, although, I think a year may be too long.  I don't like to be away from home very long.
Where was the last place you went on vacation? Florida, went to watch the boyfriend's younger sister at Nationals for gymnastics.
What goals have you already accomplished in your life? Being in college, and going on missions.
If they were to make a movie about your life, who would play you? Jennifer Garner, not that this is realistic, but I just like her. And she seems sweet and funny!
What seems to always take up your free time? Studying for class or naps (I'm ok with this one though)
Who are some of your favorite musicians right now? Just about any female country singer minus Sugarland, sorry I just don't like her.  And I am majorly in love with the song "love like crazy" so I guess I should add Lee Brice to that list.
What is your signature drink at starbucks? Gotta be White Chocolate Mocha
What is your favorite thing about the Holidays? Decorations and being with family and friends.  I love playing games and during the Holidays you always have time for that!
Describe your perfect day. Being able to sleep in, wake up and do something outside, probably take the dog to the park in 75 degree and sun shining weather, then ending the night with a date with the boyfriend or hanging out with friends.
Describe the word "adventure" in your own words. Doing something you wouldn't normally do, in a random place you have never been before.
san francisco flickr
pouf! im in love
a tobi fairley kind of christmas

Friday, December 3, 2010

When I was a kiddo, I couldn't wait till Christmas - It has & will always be my favorite holiday. Even more than my birthday, which is a huge deal... If you know me, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Any hoo, I just got finished watching The Polar Express which is one of my top Christmas Movies. I first fell in love with it when I was a senior in high school & working at a Cold Stone Creamery. My manager was also in love with Christmas & would play her Christmas playlist on her iPod when she was working. She had downloaded the entire soundtrack from the movie & had it on repeat. How can you not love it?! If you haven't seen the movie or listened to the soundtrack I suggest that you get on it asap... So that night I came home and immediately downloaded the soundtrack on my iPod & still listen to it every year, sometimes in the summer just to remind me that Christmas isn't that far away. January is depressing for me - It means that Christmas is 11 months away. Now on to Santa Clause, I love him! Especially in the Coca Cola Christmas commercials. I don't know why but even to this day & probably for the rest of my life, I will write a wish list for Christmas & send it to the "North Pole". I know your probably thinking that I'm completely lame but I don't care. I think that It is a great tradition to carry on and plus it keeps a little bit of that childhood spirit in you. So my challenge to you is to sit down & write a wish list & mail it to Santa. You may feel like a complete cheese ball but I can pretty much guarantee that when you mail it you will have a giant smile on your face. Not to mention when you wake up Christmas morning you will be anxious to run downstairs, or get in the car and drive across town, to open your presents. Remember, anything is possible if you just believe.

The only thing on my wish list this year...
The redesigned MacBook Pro laptop
the fabulous MacBook Pro.