Friday, December 3, 2010

When I was a kiddo, I couldn't wait till Christmas - It has & will always be my favorite holiday. Even more than my birthday, which is a huge deal... If you know me, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Any hoo, I just got finished watching The Polar Express which is one of my top Christmas Movies. I first fell in love with it when I was a senior in high school & working at a Cold Stone Creamery. My manager was also in love with Christmas & would play her Christmas playlist on her iPod when she was working. She had downloaded the entire soundtrack from the movie & had it on repeat. How can you not love it?! If you haven't seen the movie or listened to the soundtrack I suggest that you get on it asap... So that night I came home and immediately downloaded the soundtrack on my iPod & still listen to it every year, sometimes in the summer just to remind me that Christmas isn't that far away. January is depressing for me - It means that Christmas is 11 months away. Now on to Santa Clause, I love him! Especially in the Coca Cola Christmas commercials. I don't know why but even to this day & probably for the rest of my life, I will write a wish list for Christmas & send it to the "North Pole". I know your probably thinking that I'm completely lame but I don't care. I think that It is a great tradition to carry on and plus it keeps a little bit of that childhood spirit in you. So my challenge to you is to sit down & write a wish list & mail it to Santa. You may feel like a complete cheese ball but I can pretty much guarantee that when you mail it you will have a giant smile on your face. Not to mention when you wake up Christmas morning you will be anxious to run downstairs, or get in the car and drive across town, to open your presents. Remember, anything is possible if you just believe.

The only thing on my wish list this year...
The redesigned MacBook Pro laptop
the fabulous MacBook Pro.

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