Friday, December 10, 2010

Interview #8 - Sarah Fowler
via email - November 12th

If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Hmm, I don't know, maybe one that sounds more adult, I feel like Sarah sounds like a little girls name!
What is something you are out to accomplish in 2011? Hopefully, start nursing school next fall!!
What would you say is your greatest strength? Wow, tough question. But I would say I am pretty laid back or a good listener.
What are you wanting for Christmas this year? I always like getting clothes, but I haven't asked for anything.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Married, maybe with a kid or two, in a cute house and a good job! (but isn't this everyone's dream someday!)
If you could live abroad for 1 year, where would you like to live? Europe, I have never been before and have always wanted to go, although, I think a year may be too long.  I don't like to be away from home very long.
Where was the last place you went on vacation? Florida, went to watch the boyfriend's younger sister at Nationals for gymnastics.
What goals have you already accomplished in your life? Being in college, and going on missions.
If they were to make a movie about your life, who would play you? Jennifer Garner, not that this is realistic, but I just like her. And she seems sweet and funny!
What seems to always take up your free time? Studying for class or naps (I'm ok with this one though)
Who are some of your favorite musicians right now? Just about any female country singer minus Sugarland, sorry I just don't like her.  And I am majorly in love with the song "love like crazy" so I guess I should add Lee Brice to that list.
What is your signature drink at starbucks? Gotta be White Chocolate Mocha
What is your favorite thing about the Holidays? Decorations and being with family and friends.  I love playing games and during the Holidays you always have time for that!
Describe your perfect day. Being able to sleep in, wake up and do something outside, probably take the dog to the park in 75 degree and sun shining weather, then ending the night with a date with the boyfriend or hanging out with friends.
Describe the word "adventure" in your own words. Doing something you wouldn't normally do, in a random place you have never been before.

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