Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ephesians 6:12
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

- We are constantly in spiritual warfare.
- Don't have a poverty mentality. Don't just think money, It is any kind of lack.
- Don't let the enemy bring in "what ifs" into your life.
- Offence is unfulfilled expectations.
- People make the wrong choices then blame God.
- You will have the desires of your hear if you are in God's will.

Hosea 4:6
6 My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me. Since you priests refuse to know me, I refuse to recognize you as my priests. Since you have forgotten the laws of your God, I will forget to bless your children.

- It is up to us to learn His word.
- We need to be accountable to each other.
- Do not suffer from lack of knowledge.
- Speak the word over everything constantly.
- Don't let the things you do become your identity.
- The Holy Spirit wants to show you things.
- We have to have discernment.
- Ask God to show you people's true colors.
- Be in constant prayer!
- Take God at His word.
- Let everything go.
- Don't let fear have even 1 inch in your life.
- Learn everything you can about the word.


Such an amazing Sub30 Babes tonight!

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