Friday, February 11, 2011

Interview 17 Honz Williams
via email - January 19th

What are you passionate about? To stop human trafficking. Like, killing people. Ha ha. For real though. I want to, eventually, buy a girl (keep reading) and start her entire life over.. Send her to counseling and support classes. etc etc. Or just go get girls from whoever and kill the traffickers. 
What is the name of your favorite nail polish? Right now, I'm wearing Sally Hansen nail growth miracle... I need a miracle.
What are some of your favorite places to shop? This year, salvation army, on Wednesdays for wahoo! Wednesdays, and Ebay. I'm trying not to buy anything new... except necessities of course.
If you could live abroad for 1 year, where would you like to live? Russia. No Greece. No.. New Zealand. Probably Russia. Maybe Israel...
Are there any celebrities that you like to get inspiration from when it come to style? Aria from Pretty Little Liars.. Does that count?  Barbie because she looks fabulous wherever she goes. Natalie Portman, I like the pregnant look right now.
What is your favorite book of the Bible & why? Genesis because I love stories! it's as bazaar as Narnia but it's real.
What is something you are out to accomplish in 2011? Speak Russian fluently. Travel. Travel. Travel.
Where was the last place you went on vacation? D-Town for the Thanksgiving day game. Go Cowboys!

Who are some of your favorite musicians? YOUNG MONEY TIL THE DEATH OF ME.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? South Carolina. Well... For now. Eventually back in Oklahoma with thousands of acres and 20 dogs and a handful of kids and the love of my life on a horse bareback. (Him and the horse.)

What are some of your favorite books? Life of Pi. The Little Prince. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Everything is Illuminated.What are you top 5 favorite movies? Mean Girls.. The Royal Tenenbaums .. Inglorious Basterds. Science of Sleep annnnd... Fantastic Mr Fox

What is something most people don't know about you? I want to, and I will, get a gun and a concealing license when I'm 21.
Where do you like to look for style inspiration? My head girl. Fashion fades but style is forever.
If you had to change your name what would you change it to? I've already unofficially changed my name, but probably Honz MarcJacobs Maxamillion or Mrs. Carter
Describe the word "adventure" in your own words. True Love.

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